I’m addicted because my 21-year-old friends have children, they’re cheating on me, no one is taking me as a wife…
I’m addicted because my 21-year-old friends have children, they’re cheating on me, no one is taking me as a wife, ? – Good morning, the life story…
Mu ka bo ves se shoqet e mija 21 vjeq kan femij, Po bojn hajgare me mu a kerkush nuk po t’merr, A sun pe gjen kerkon …?
Mu ka bo ves se shoqet e mija 21 vjeq kan femij, Po bojn hajgare me mu a kerkush nuk po t’merr, A sun pe gjen kerkon…
jam pak e trashe por nuk jau leshoj rrugen as te rejave qe po ja mbajn nalt
E lus burrin qe ta bejme ate pune gjithmone gjen arsyje dhe me ik, Jam e martuar qe 1 vit ende nuk e kam pare se cfare…
Jam 36 vjecare rrethina Tiranës “sekrete”, bejme punen dhe ikim, jam e martuar nuk dua pr obleme
Jam e martuar dhe kam dhe një vajzë të vogël dy vjeçare, kisha një mart.esë të lumtur, por ndodhi ajo që nuk ia dëshiroj ti ndoshë askujt…
Unë jam shum e bukur burri nuk më meriton mua, po du me u nda sepse po e du nja ma të…!!!
Mua burri po me thot fjale te ndryshme jo te mira. Jam nje gru e martuar kam femije dhe jetoj ne perendim.Burri im ndodhe qe 2 ose…
Qe 5 vite e mbaj djalin e Kunates ktu ne Zvicer, ja laj teshat, buken ja boj edhe pik respekti nuk ka!
Qe 5 vite e mbaj djalin e Kunates ktu ne Zvicer, ja laj teshat, buken ja boj edhe pik respekti nuk ka! – Ju lutem anonim deshta…
She started screaming as soon as she discovered the bizarre creature!
She started screaming as soon as she discovered the bizarre creature! Lujan Eroles, a 46-year-old woman from the Argentine town of Santa Fe, said she started screaming…
Ashley Graham Explains Why She Stopped Breastfeeding Her 5-Month-Old Twins
Ashley Graham, renowned for her body positivity advocacy, openly discusses her motherhood journey. As a mom of three, including twins, she emphasizes every mother’s right to choose…
Great-Grandmother, 105, Breaks World Record For Fastest 100-Meter Run At US Senior Games
Known as “the Hurricane”, this elderly 107-year-old woman hasn’t let age dictate her abilities! In fact, back in November 2021, at the age of 105, Julia Hawkins…
This Unusual Script Was Devised for Simplifying Note-Taking, Yet Many Find It Unfamiliar.
Taking notes is easy in the digital age thanks to technology. Apps for documenting or simply simple recording allow you to capture meetings, conversations, and thoughts. However,…