Of course, Yes!!!

Yes!!! The flag represents all the battles fought and won by this great nation and our incredible Armies!! Those who came home from battle and those who…

A “Relationship Expert” advises parents to obtain their consent before changing their baby’s diaper.

People will always have an opinion, if there is one thing about life we can be sure of. Even when relatively few people are paying attention, some…


Watch Our Country Our Choice CEO Douglas Macgregor speak out about the grave risk the border crisis poses to the security and economic well-being of the United…

Can you see the Number?! Only 3% of the Population can see it! Can you?!

Can you see the Amount?! Only 3% of the Inhabitants can see it! Can you?!     Persons have found a new optical ‘ill’usion to take care…

Four Young Girls Sing the National Anthem – NFL Crowd Goes Wild

We all have heard the “Star Spangled Banner” sung many times in many different ways before sporting events, but here’s a unique version that I hope will…

NFL Analyst Tony Dungy Feels Taylor Swift, NFL Disenchanted Football Fans

Former NFL head coach Tony Dungy took issue with Taylor Swift’s constant presence on the television broadcast during Saturday night’s playoff contest between the Miami Dolphins and…

Knowing the shelf life and maximum designed speed of your tires is crucial for a safe driving experience.

Knowing the shelf life and maximum designed speed of your tires is crucial for a safe driving experience. Did you know that the speed rating for each…


So Far No One Has Found Another Numbers Apart From (A) , No Winners Yet (Aldi Store). We Still Have 240 More Wins,.

    C) 15

AOC proves why Democrats should never be taken seriously

  Gotta love watching Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s blood pressure visibly erupt as she’s nearly screaming at Tony Bobulinkski when she asks him about Joe Biden and…